Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Zoning out

Monday - 10:15 AM - 7 miles, 51:00 - Alton Baker Park.
Comments: Hit up Pre's Trails and ran the roads in and around the U of O. Legs were pretty messed up from yesterday's downhill silliness but didn't feel too bad once I got going. Woodchips were just what the doctor ordered.

Tuesday - 6:55 AM - 8 miles, 54:00 - Beaverton.
Comments: Got out early from the hotel before the flight home and by shit luck managed to stumble upon Nike world headquarters. An absolutely incredible facility, what with a 2-mile woodchip running trail and all. I'm just glad I didn't get booted for my New Balance hat, Sporthill shirt, Reebok shorts and Mizuno sneaks.

Just got in after 12 hours of travel and stops in three different time zones. I'll have more to write about my trip in the coming days, but for now I have trick my body back into believing it's 12:52 a.m. and it would be in my best interest to get some much-needed sleep. G'night fools.
Quote of the Day

"Nothing like being put in the hot seat, but then it's one of my favorite places. If the answers to all running shoe questions were easy, I'd have to go out and find a real job. An ugly thought indeed."
- J.D. Denton, aka the Running Times "Shoe Guy", telling it like it is.

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