Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bang bang

More bullet points. It's just easier this way.

* Although I've never met him, Corrado Giambalvo is the man. And he's got one of the coolest names, like, ever.

* Big double-date tomorrow as I'm taking Celine out to Braintree to hang out with Bergie and Natalie for a couple hours. Afterwards, Bergs and I will head over to Reino's place for a guys night at the bar while the girls spend some time with one other, discussing whatever it is that sleek, well-equiped girls like to discuss.

* Cross-training is now in full swing. Celine has been great about keeping me company five or six times a week for an hour or two at a time, which has been a huge help and should keep my fitness level in the "respectable" range while the stress fracture heals. I've also developed a thrice-weekly strengthening/stretching routine to address and correct the core weaknesses which likely played a hand in said stress fracture. My midsection was rather sore in a few suspect spots this morning, so I think I hit the right muscle groups. Lastly, I started on a three-to-four-time-a-week water running schedule with the aid of a handy belt on loan from this guy's wife. The same guy with the generous wife has also been gracious enough to let me use his pool on occasion, which is greatly appreciated. I also started making use of more natural bodies of water this evening with a 90-some-odd minute aqua jog in beautiful Walden Pond, where I had the luxury of company in the form of an also-banged-up Carly Graytock and Brett Ely, which made this otherwise painstakingly boring form of rehab that much more enjoyable for all of us.

* Walk-off wins for my also banged-up, but still beloved Red Sox are becoming a way of life. I'm OK with that, as long as we're winning.

* I interviewed Kevin Sullivan the other day for mensracing. I thought the conversation went pretty well, so keep an eye out for it over the next few days. He and I unfortunately have a lot in common, like nasty achilles injuries and pelvic stress fractures.

* Temps finally dipped below 90 today. Thank-you, Jesus! Thank-you, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, used your witchcraft to get the fire off me!
- Yes, you've probably heard that something similar to that on TV recently. Go see the movie.

That's all I got. One down in the ninth and Sox trailing by a run. Manny at the plate. Let's see if he can expound upon tonight's Bullet Point # 4. Take it easy.

Quote of the day:

I fight every day. But who said a fight has to be tongue and feet? You fight by showing you can overcome.
- Mookie Wilson


Anonymous said...

Cross Training is fun!

Keep up the good work, fellow injured-dude.

Anonymous said...

Oh, just got worse. See, at first I had thought that perhaps you were describing a car, which, hey, I can understand. No, though, no it's much more kleenex-worthy than I had originally thought.

Nonetheless, enjoyable. :-p