Thursday, January 11, 2007

How I spent my day off....

No, they're not mine, in case anyone thought I pulled a fast one. These two little monsters are my cousin Anthony's kids, 3-1/2 year old Sean and his 1-1/2 year old sister, Alicia, who my mom just happened to be babysitting today.

"Uncle Mario", as I'm inaccurately -- but affectionately -- called by the two of them, paid his second cousins a little visit today with half a dozen munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts. Well, the two of them were happier than pigs in shit and the three of us had a grand ole time this afternoon watching SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer and playing hide-and-go seek. Ahh, the joys of being young again...

That's it for now; I've gotta go hone my hiding skills. Take it easy.

Quote of the day:

- Me: How many munchkins are in the bag?
- Sean: [Takes out a chocolate one and stuffs it in his mouth] Five, Uncle Mario.

1 comment:

pjm said...

I've been told that in Italian families, if a male relative is older than you and not a brother or first cousin, he's your uncle, "don't argue, just go with it." And there's a lot of sense to that...